An Explantion occasionally we attempt a joke, rearly succseed or at least to make it a funny one. Thanks for wasting your time, looking at our stuff :D we love both of our fans! 19-11-2003 oh btw sorry for the terrible scannings! the originals were lost these new ones are...really really terrible :\ 15-10-2003 Right, well "Hi", erm Where to start? This is ALLO, there will be an "About page" soon enough but i felt some explanation was in order, and i guess apologies too. 'Allo' has been an ambition of a certain Skunk for over a year now and it's lateness to actually evolve into a webcomic is mainly due to me, lazy me. So as it has been in the pipe line for over a year now it may have strayed slightly from it's original path but in our hearts is going strong wether or not it is in the same direction.....I'm babbling arn't i? Anyway i want to assure you straight away that the Art work Does get better (after all the first strip was drawn nearly 2 years ago on a boring sunday night) and hopefully the story lines too! So without any longer a wait, Allo has Landed! o.o --Brazz. A Life Less Ordinary is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. |